2023 Release
Secrets of the Menorah
This series explores the pattern of sevens in the Bible and how it can be used to understand different gift-modalities or paradigms of human formation. By understanding and utilising each of these modalities, we can become effective leaders and agents of change in our communities and organisations. The use of the seven-branched menorah as a symbol for these paradigms represents the idea of light and illumination, shedding light on different aspects of our lives and work. Embracing and integrating all seven modalities into our lives and work can create a more holistic approach to leadership and personal growth, leading to positive change in the world around us.
Elijah 7000
Isaiah Chng
“The various ways of living give us a vivid reminder of how amazing Father God has created each and every one of His children. I am thankful for this essential work that sheds light on how we might individually operate and be positioned to do His will. Read this to understand yourself better with a Kingdom perspective.”
Founder of Universal Business Academy
Dr Shirley Tan
“”Secrets of the Menorah” by Gerard & Lianne is a potent tool that empowers readers to understand and unlock their inherent talents and capabilities and leverage them for achieving success.The book introduces the 7 elemental archetypes, allow us to understand how we are created to function in personal and professional life. It serves as a practical guide to self-discovery and personal growth, fostering a refreshing alternative to conventional self-help books.”
National President, Gatekeepers Singapore
Georgie Lee
“Drawing on creation science and the typology of the seven-branched Menorah and the numeral, seven, the authors explored ” the seven different genius paradigms in human formation, each associated with a specific profile and set of strengths, blindspots, and potential for redemption.”
There are modalities and modalities. But their thesis has a uniqueness rooted in Biblical wisdom. Gerard and Lianne have dug deep into the Bible and Jewish history to bring about this unusual revelational discourse to help us discover ourselves and how we are wired. God has made each of us with our own unique circuitry, not found in others.
We commend this book to all believers wishing to understand more of themselves and desirous of making a difference and bringing human flourishing.”

Maestro Alvaro Sanchez & Rev Claudia
“Through the centuries, geniuses of the Harmony awaken by God, such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludvig van Beethoven and many others, were able to build up music “pieces” for the benefit of all of us. Using his patterns. Until today, the entire world enjoys, and continues to elevate the fruit of “the pattern of seven notes”, a great creation of a visionary, Guido D’Arezzo, who had a massive influence on the development of western musical notation and practice.
Today, we are faced with an unprecedented masterpiece: “MODALITIES OF LIFE”, a manifesto provided under God’s anointing, following the pattern of sevens revealed in the Word of God as part of creation from the very beginning.
This masterpiece highlights seven paradigms in humanness that are anointed for redemption in due time. Each of these paradigms has its own unique strengths, and requires thorough understanding to be accurately executed.”
We help people discover genius by modalities
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Geylang Bless God
c/o The Oikos Fellowship
175 a/b Geylang Road
Singapore 389247 - +(65) 9645 8840
- 7modalities.com@gmail.com
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